Nu Swing Golf Tec Ltd.
Swing Box Plus the best compact golf swing training device. Swing Box Plus the best compact golf swing training device. Swing Box Plus the best compact golf swing training device. Swing Box Plus the best compact golf swing training device.

Transform your Swing Box and Swing Stick into a powerful swing training device on the fly by simply adding the Swing Stick Adapter*. Swing Box + is portable, versatile, and effective in fixing early extension and over the top swing path.

*patent pending

Swing Box Plus the best compact golf swing training device.
swing stick
swing stick adapter
swing box base unit
retractable leg
Swing Box Plus the best compact golf swing training device to fix early extension.

Early extension occurs when the lower body moves toward the golf ball during the downswing. Swing Box + can help fix the issue. Start by assembling the device and adjusting the swing stick to a vertical position and height that suits your body. Then, place the device behind you, so that your lower body touches the foam padding when addressing the golf ball. Maintain pressure on the foam padding during the downswing. This drill is an excellent supplement to your exercises for fixing early extension.

An over-the-top golf swing is when the club moves too far away from the body on the downswing. To use the Swing Box + to correct the issue, assemble the device and position it on your trail arm side about 2 feet further. Adjust the swing stick angle to be just above your club shaft line when you address the ball. Avoid contact to the foam padding on your downswing. This drill is highly effective and is often recommended by golf coaches to fix an over-the-top swing.

Swing Box Plus the best compact golf swing training device to over the top swing.
Swing Box Plus the best compact golf swing training device.
innovative adapter design. easy to attach and detach.
easy to assemble and disassemble. highly portable.
retractable leg for added stability.